
Tsunami Online Worksheet


PART A. Tsunamis, Plate Tectonics and Sumatra (4 points)

Directions: In a couple short paragraphs, describe 1) the various ways that tsunamis form, 2) the characteristics of tsunami waves in the deep open ocean and 3) how tsunami waves change going from deep water into shallow water (shoaling).  4)  Finally, briefly explain how the Sumatra tsunami formed, and what its affects were along shorelines in the Indian Ocean. Be sure to identify the tectonic plates involved, and describe their interaction to cause the tsunami.










PART B. Tsunami Threats to the West Coast of North America (3 points)

Directions: In a several short paragraphs answer the following questions: 1) How vulnerable is the U.S. west coast to tsunamis and why?    2) Which areas of the west coast have the greatest vulnerability, and why?; and 3) Where are these tsunami being generated?  Make sure to mention both, the northwestern US seaboard, and the California coast.  Note that tsunami can be generated both locally and from far away. (Hint: find out about the evidence of past tsunamis striking the west coast, and the Cascadian Subduction Zone.)










PART C. The DART System (3 points)

Directions:  In several short paragraphs, describe and explain the DART system.  Make sure to 1) Describe the physical components, and the function of each of the components; 2) How is the system deployed worldwide, and where are they deployed, and 3) How is the DART system an improvement over previous tsunami warning systems?   Be sure to briefly describe the previous systems.