Tips on How to take tests and complete assignments


i. Directions for Taking Quizzes and Exams

    To take a quiz (or exam) you click on the "Assessments" link on the 

homepage.  Then you click on the exact Quiz or Exam that you need to

take  When taking a quiz or exam, once you have selected an answer

to a specific question, you must then click the “save answer” button at

the bottom of the question box – that will lock in your chosen question. 

If you do not save your answer by clicking the “save answer” button,

when you get around to submitting your quiz or exam and click the “finish”

button, those answers that were not saved are not tallied, as if you never

answered the question in the first place.


   Note that each quiz and exam has a specific date-time window that you

are allowed  access to take it.  Those specific dates are shown next to

each listed quiz and exam in the "Assessments" link.  As a general rule,

the quizzes and exam are made available about a week before they are due. 

There is a big difference in the amount of time that you are allowed to take

for completing a quiz versus an exam.  You have several days to take the

quiz – they are not timed.   The midterm and final exams are timed, however,

you have 3 hours from when the time you officially start the test.  If you fail to

finish the exam in four hours, then Blackboard will force-submit the incomplete

exam for you. It is your responsibility to know the time windows and due dates

for each quiz and exam.   To make things more simple, quizzes are always due

on Sundays.   Research assignments are also due on Sundays.  The midterm

is due on a Sunday and the final is due on a Saturday.   Note that I do not allow

make-ups for quizzes and exams.  


    Once that you take the quiz or exam and submit it, it will be graded at the

test’s closing date.   The student can then review her/his graded test.  Correct

answers will listed for your review, and your score will posted to your grade

sheet, which can be accessed at the “My Grades” on the Homepage.    

You can only take a quiz or exam once – no retakes.


ii. Directions for Completing the Research Assignments

   To begin an assignment you click on the "Assignment" link on the homepage. 

Then you click on the exact Assignment that you need to take.  There will be a

highlighted file listed with the name of the assignment that must be downloaded –

it contains the detailed directions and information needed to complete the

assignment. Note that each assignment has a specific time window that you are

allowed access it, complete it, and submit it.  Those specific dates are shown

next to each assignment in the "Assignment" page.  You have roughly three weeks

to complete and submit each assignment, except for the first personal greeting

assignment.  It is your responsibility to know the time window for each assignment.  

The research writing assignments are due on a Sunday by 11:55 pm.


    The two research writing assignments are designed to force you,  the  student, into

carefully studying and mastering the required oceanography curriculum, which, in turn,

will make it much easier for the student to successfully complete the corresponding

quizzes and exams, and walk away from this course with well-retained knowledge.


  The procedure for creating the correct written format and proper submitting of your

research papers should go as follows:  Download the research assignment document

into a word processor program.  Then, working in the document, insert your response

to each subtopic question (a. through e.) directly beneath the stated subtopic question

within the topic.   Therefore, your written responses will be found in between each of

the stated questions  - down through the entire worksheet.  You submit your assignment

(as an attached file).  I prefer that your file is a Word.doc using Microsoft Word

(filename.doc), but WordPerfect file (filename.wps) or rich text file (filename.rtf) are “OK”

too.  The completed assignment name must include two bits of information: 1) the

ASSIGNMENT NAME  and 2) YOUR LAST NAME.  An example is “Assign1_Smith.doc”.  

An actual example of a student’s completed research assignment worksheet – with

instructor’s grading comments - is found on the professor’s classroom webpage. 

Please study this example and use it like a template for your own assignments.


    Submit the assignment by loading your completed assignment at the specific

assignment page found in the “Assignment” box – the  place where you originally

retrieved the assignment instructions file.   Once you complete and submit the

assignment, MAKE SURE that your document actually uploaded into your

assignment box.  It will take me about a week to manually grade it and post it to

your grade sheet, which can be accessed at the “My Grades” portal on the

Homepage.  Note that I do not accept late assignments nor do I allow make-ups

for assignments.


  As a final note of importance, I what to make it perfectly clear here that you MUST

write your research  assignments in YOUR OWN WORDS.  First, DO NOT copy or

paraphrase, word-for-word, out of the textbook or off a web site.  DO NOT use

massive quoting of information from other sources; and DO NOT use word-for-word

information shared with your fellow students.  Any one of the above instances will

get you zero earned points for your effort, or lack of.