research writing ASSIGNMENT #2 – WAVES, SHOELEINES, Marine Life, resources, and pollution     


Due date: Sunday May 13th  @ 11:55 pm


A. Introduction:  This writing assignment involves examining three interesting topics: 1) Ocean waves (Chapter 10 and 11), and Shorelines (Chapter 12).  2) Marine life (Chapter 13 through 16), Resources (Chapter 18), and Environmental Concerns (Chapter 18).  Virtually all of the information necessary to complete this assignment is found in your textbook. However, there is also a comprehensive set of the professor’s lecture outlines and PowerPoint presentations that are designed to help you supplement the information found in the text.  Additional supplemental Internet sources are also listed as a good measure – Many of those Internet sources gives you very handy info with the click of your mouse!


Chapter 10 covers ocean waves.  The general classification, origin, characteristics, and behavior of ocean waves are examined, with a focus on wind waves and tsunami.  


Supplementary Online Resources:









Chapter 11 covers ocean tides.  The origin, characteristics, and behavior of ocean tides are investigated.  Two theories on tides are explained – the Equilibrium and Dynamic Theories of Tides.   Means of measuring and predicting tides are examined, tides affect on marine life, and finally the potential for extracting commercial-scale energy from tides. 


 Supplementary Online Resources: 1)






Chapter 12 covers shorelines.  The various types of features and processes occurring along shorelines are described and explained.  Features found along coastlines are described and illustrated, such as beaches, rocky shorelines, sea bluffs, estuaries and coral reefs.  Numerous important coastal processes are also examined – they include breaking waves, wave refraction, tides, longshore and rip currents, coastal erosion and deposition, river input, biological activities, and sea level changes.   Finally, a new force that is presently at work changing shorelines – for better or worse - is humans

Supplementary Online Resources:  1)






Chapter 13 is an overview of life in the ocean.  The general classification, origin, and characteristics of marine life are examined, including the controlling physical factors and marine environments.  

Supplementary Online Resources:  1)


Chapter 14 covers the plankton and primary productivity.  The characteristics and behavior of plankton - both the phytoplankton and zooplankton - are investigated.  Primary productivity is examined – how it occurs by which organisms, how it is measured, what the limiting factors are, and its central role in the support and sustenance of the marine food web.  The Ocean Biological Pump is explained as the vital “heart” of the ocean’s life food web.


Supplementary Online Resources:  1)



Chapter 15 explores the various phyla of marine animals, including the invertebrates and vertebrates.  The characteristics and behavior of the organisms in each phylum are examined, and their evolution is traced, and comparisons are made, based on the evolutionary histories of the various groups.


Supplementary Online Resources:    1)






Chapter 16 covers the various marine communities.  The characteristics and make-up of the major types of marine communities and their associated habitats are examined.  Relationships between species populations within each community are also explored.


Chapter 17 examines the various types of marine resources.  The origin, location, characteristics, extraction, processing, and economic value of the major types of marine resource is explored. Additionally, the environmental impact of extracting resources from the ocean is looked at, including the laws governing resource extraction.


Supplementary Online Resources 1)






Chapter 18 looks at the various types of marine environmental concerns that impact the ocean, its life, and the ramifications to humans and the global biosphere.  The origin, location, characteristics, negative impacts and costs, and potential solutions of the major types of marine pollution are examined. Finally, the issue of global warming is addressed.


            Supplementary Online Resources 1)










This writing assignment has six (6) components (topic reflections) that you must complete:


  1) Origin, Characteristics, and Behavior of Ocean Waves


  2)  Characteristics, Origin and Dynamics of a Beach


  3). Physical and Biological Factors Affecting Marine Life and Marine Habitats


  4) Marine Plankton and Primary Productivity and the Ocean's Biological Pump


  5) Research and Document a Specific Marine Organism that You Find the Most Interesting or Important


  6) Research and Document a Specific Marine Pollutant that You Find the Most Interesting or Important


B. Ten-Point Instructions:  

          1) Review the six assignment #2 topics, including the set of questions (a-e) listed for each

              topic.  Keep these questions in mind when you begin your assigned study for this theme.


2) Carefully read and study Chapters 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 in your textbook.  Also study the professor’s lecture notes and PowerPoint presentations (found on his website) that corresponds to chapters 3 through 9.  Finally check the listed internet links for additional information.  Use all these sources to help you gather and organize the necessary information asked for in the assignment topic list.


3) When you have finished your study, begin composing a statement of your thoughts concerning the list of questions a) though e) for each of the six topics (a detailed explanation of the topics is found in Part C below).


4) Make sure to organize your paper into the SIX SEPARATE TOPIC responses – each topic divided into each lettered subsection, e.g. Topic #1: parts a), b), c), d) and e). -  Please include the stated questions as listed below at the beginning of each response.   For an excellent example of a properly formatted and completed assignment, go to the professor’s website at


5) MAKE SURE to include references to ALL your responses for each topic, including specific headings, page numbers, illustrations, and diagrams in the text.  At the end of your set of a) through e) topic responses, list the references that you used to gather your included information.  Here are some examples: 1)  if you used the textbook, then list your reference as “Course textbook, pages xx-xxx”;  2) if you used information from the professor’s website material, then an example listing would be “, Plate Tectonics Lecture Outline”; 3) if you used information that I directly gave you via email or a fieldtrip then reference that as “Rector, personal communication”; and 4) Finally, if you use information from an Internet site, then list the URL, such as: “


6) I am looking for well-written, thoughtful, thorough, yet concise responses that adequately address each noted topic. Your written response should be roughly 5 to 7 pages in length (1 ½ spacing; roughly 1600-2400 words) for the entire assignment - including my topic titles and posed questions.  Note that I am more concerned with a too-short of paper than I am of a paper that is over-length – if it’s longer than the above listed max – don’t worry about it.   It’s probably best to draft your response in your word processing program  (saving it frequently). That way, you can check the spelling and grammar, and make sure that you express yourself clearly. Please take note:  I will take off points for sloppy, inadequately researched, and poorly written assignments, including spelling and grammar. 


7) Once you've written and edited your research assignment, then you can save it as ASSIGN_2_YOUR NAME.   Note that it helps me greatly in grading your response if you include your name in the title of your assignment document file.

I prefer that you save it as a WORD .doc file, but, .wps or .rtf files are “OK” too if you do not use MS WORD.   Also note that using symbols such as “/”, “#” or “\” in your file name will cause uploading problems.  Thank you!


8) Upload your completed research assignment as an ATTACHMENT with the

 above file name.  To submit your assignment, go to Assignment Center and

clink on the “Assignment #2  link.   Once  on that page, scroll down to beneath

 the “Submission:” text box.  There you will see a button labeled  "Add Attachments".   Click on that button and wait for an upload window to appear, titled “Get Files”.   Then click on the icon with the name “My Computer”.  There you will be able to access your computer folders and files for your assignment file.  Find the file, click the “Open” button, and your assignment file will automatically upload onto Blackboard.   You will know if the upload was successful because you will see your file name link appended above the “Add Attachments” button.   DO NOT submit your file by pasting your assignment as a block of text into the “Submissions:” text box found directly above the “Add Attachments” button – pasted-in assignments will not be  accepted.   As a final note, please make sure to include your name in the title of your assignment word-doc file.  


          9) You must do your own work, AND your responses must be in your own words.

              – NO plagiarism will be tolerated, either from the textbook or online sources, nor sharing

            work with classmates.  It is OK to point your fellow student in the right direction on where

            to get information, but is NOT OK to share your actual response information.  My plagiarism

            policy is found in  the Class Start Info folder - read and understand it very carefully.  Note that

            I use plagiarism detection software like “” and “Eve2” on the assignments that you

            turn in to me.  Any evidence that you plagiarized will result in a big, fat ZERO on your

            assignment.   I suggest that you GREATLY limit your use of using referenced quoted

            statements. An infrequent short quote here and there is OK, but if your responses are riddled

           with many and/or long blocks of quoted text, then you will receive little to no credit for it. I will state it once again here:  you MUST write your research assignments in YOUR OWN WORDS.  First, DO NOT copy or paraphrase, word-for-word, out of the textbook or off a web site.  DO NOT use massive quoting of information from other sources; and DO NOT use word-for-word information shared with your fellow students.  Any one of the above instances will get you zero earned points for your effort, or lack of.


        10) This assignment is worth 120 points (20 points for each topic).  Below are

           the SIX topics and the mandatory information that you must include for full credit:


C. The Six Topics You Must Write Responses to are as Follows:


      Topic #1 - Describe and Explain the Origin, Characteristics, and Behavior of Ocean Waves (20 points total)

a) Define the following five features of an ocean wave.  

1) Wavelength

2) Wave height

3) Wave period

4) Wave base

5) The relationship between wavelength and wave speed?  Hint: the longer the wavelength, the ________ the wave speed?


b) Provide a brief yet concise explanation of how a wind wave forms, starting with the formation of capillary waves and ending with the formation of ocean swell.  BE SURE to


ü      How do capillary waves develop?

ü      How do capillary waves graduate into wind chop?

ü      How does ocean surface beneath a storm become a fully developed sea?

ü      List the three key factors that control the generation of a wind wave (size and period) in the region where the wave is being generated.

ü      How do swell form from a fully developed sea?

ü      Compare and contrast these two types of wind waves:  “Seas” and “Swell”


c) Provide a brief yet concise explanation of how a tsunami forms, and behaves in both deep

      ocean and on approach to a shore.  BE SURE to:


ü                                    List at least four (4) different triggering mechanisms that could potentially generate a tsunami.

ü      Describe the characteristics of a typical tsunami wave in the open deep. Be sure

        to include the following points:

1) Wavelength

2) Wave height

3) Wave period

4) Wave speed

ü      Describe the characteristics of a typical tsunami wave as it encounters shallow coastal waters (shoaling effect) and finally into the shoreline (wave surge).  Be sure to include how the following parameters change from open ocean conditions:

1) Wavelength

2) Wave height

3) Wave period

4) Wave speed

ü   Describe the classic danger signs along a shoreline that indicates an impending

       tsunami strike.

1) Ground motion

2) Shoreline water behavior

  d) Provide a brief yet concise generalized explanation of how the tides are generated.

ü                        List the two major celestial forces acting on the ocean and how they create tractive forces.

ü                        Discuss the relationship between the tractive forces, the tidal bulges, and the spinning Earth.

ü                        Note why the difference between “spring tides” versus “neap tides”.


            e) Compare and contrast the Equilibrium and Dynamic Theories of Tides?

ü      Give a brief description of each theory

ü      Note how and why the Dynamic Theory does a better job at describing and predicting tides.

ü      List and briefly describe the THREE TYPES of tidal patterns found worldwide, including the type of tidal pattern we have here in California.


   Topic #2 - Briefly Define, Describe, and Explain the Characteristics, Origin and Dynamics of a Beach (20 points total)


a) What is a beach?  Briefly define and describe the characteristics of a typical beach.

Include the following terms in your definition and description:

ü                    Material make-up - list the most abundant grain sizes and types of minerals that make up beach sand.

ü                    Spatial extent – where it starts and ends

ü                    Define backshore, berm, foreshore, and nearshore

ü      List at least two significant sources of beach sediment.

ü      List at least one place where beach sediment permanently leaves the beach system.

ü      Principal processes at work that move beach sediment


b) Discuss the effects of refracting waves that break along irregular shorelines in terms of coastal erosion and deposition.  BE SURE to:

ü      Note where most of the wave erosion occurs and where most of the deposition occurs in terms of headlands versus bays.

ü      State what physically happens to both, the headlands and the adjacent bays over time.

ü      Describe how wave refraction along an irregular shoreline will change the shorelines profile with time.


c) What is a longshore current?  What is longshore drift? What is a rip current? BE SURE to:

ü      Briefly define both, longshore current and longshore drift.

ü      Explain what causes a longshore current and its associated longshore drift.

ü      Explain how the longshore current and its drift affect the beach system.

ü      Briefly define a rip current and longshore drift.

ü      Explain what causes a rip current and how to swim out of one.


d) List and briefly describe some common EROSIONAL and DEPOSITIONAL features found along either an Erosion- or Deposition--dominated shoreline.  BE SURE to:

ü      List at least three (3) features found at each of the two shoreline types

ü      Briefly describe the listed features found at each of the two shoreline types

ü      Briefly explain how each feature forms


e) List and briefly describe and explain the major types of artificial structures erected by

     humans along shorelines and their effects.  BE SURE to

ü      Include at least four (4) general types of structures.

ü      Explain the basic intentional function of each of the four shoreline structures

ü      Include at least one negative outcome for each of the above four (4) structures.

ü      Offer some thoughts or ideas how those negative impacts might be minimized or eliminated.


 Topic #3 - List, Describe, Explain, and Discuss the Physical and Biological Factors Affecting Marine Life and Marine Habitats. (20 points total)


a) Define “limiting factor” in the context of marine organisms living in the ocean.   


b) List and describe the major types of physical factors.

ü      Be sure to define the term “physical factor”

ü      Note how each listed factor affects marine life


c) List and describe the major types of biological factors.  

ü      Be sure to define the term “biological factor”

ü      Note how each listed factor affects marine life


d) List and describe what you consider the top four major limiting factors   

ü         Note how each listed factor affects marine life


e) List and briefly describe the major types of marine environments

ü      Classify into zones according to water column versus sea bottom

ü      Classify into zones according to amount of sunlight

ü      Classify into zones according to distance form land

ü      Classify into zones according to bottom depth


    Topic #4 – List, Describe, Explain, and Discuss Marine Plankton and Primary Productivity and the Ocean's Biological Pump (20 points total)


a) Define and briefly discuss the term “plankton”.

ü   What are they?

ü      Where do they live?

ü      What do they do?


b) What are the major types of phytoplankton?

ü      Define Primary Productivity?

ü      What are the two principle controlling factors to their abundance?

ü      List the major types

ü      Give a brief description of each type

ü      Their global distribution in the ocean in terms of latitude


c) What are the major types of zooplankton?

ü         How do they make a living?

ü         List the major types

ü         Give a brief description of each type

ü         Their global distribution in the ocean

ü         Their relationship to the phytoplankton


d) How are plankton collected?

ü      List and briefly describe the collection devices

ü      Explain the difficulties and challenges of collecting plankton

ü      What types of data are usually collected along with the plankton?


e) Define the term “Ocean Biological Pump”.

ü         What is it exactly?

ü         Which organisms are involved?

ü         Where does it occur?

ü         How is it important to marine food web?

ü         How is it important to the availability of nutrients?


    Topic #5 – Research and Document a Specific Marine Organism that You Find the Most Interesting or Important (20 points total)

a) Classify the organism based on the natural system of classification.

ü      Note the organism’s position in the hierarchy from kingdom down to species.

ü      List the organism’s scientific name, including genus and species

ü      Note the time period that this species (at least the order) first made its appearance in the ocean.


b) Describe the physical character of the organism.

ü      Describe the organism’s size, shape, length, weight, appendages, etc.

ü      Note how its physical character is well-adapted to suite its environment

ü      Describe its physical means of movement, eating, and reproduction.


c) Describe the physical environment or habitat where the organism lives.

ü      Classify the environment in terms of a zone, or specific habitat type.

ü      Describe the general physical and chemical conditions of the environment

ü      Describe the specific niche that the organism fills in its environment.

ü      Define where this habitat is found geographically in the ocean.


d) Describe and explain the behavioral patterns of the organism.

ü      Describe the organism’s general lifestyle.

ü      Explain how its behaviors are perfectly suited to its environment

ü      Describe its eating habits – how it gets its prey

ü      Describe how it avoids being eaten – how it avoids it’s enemies

ü      Describe its mating practices.


e) Briefly describe explain how this organism fits into its own particular marine community

ü      Name the type of marine community it is a part of.

ü      Describe the organism’s position in the food web

ü      Name the organisms that it eats – its prey

ü      Name the organisms that eat it – what preys on it

ü      Note any forms of symbiotic relationships between the organism and others


  Topic #6 -  Research and Document a Specific Marine Pollutant that You Find the Most Interesting or Important (20 points total)


a) What is the pollutant or pollution?  Include the following terms in your definition and description:


ü      Which pollutant/pollution classification type is it under?

ü      Material make-up – its composition

ü      Spatial distribution – where is it found in or around the ocean?

ü      How much of this pollutant is getting in the ocean?


b) What are the harmful characteristics of the pollutant? 

ü   List the primary negative effects it has on the environment and life

ü   List its general benefits and commercial value

ü   Note if the demand is increasing or decreasing


c) Describe how the pollutant originates, and then makes it way into the ocean

ü      Processes(s) by which the pollutant is initially generated

ü      Methods or processes by which the pollutant is transported to ocean

ü      BE SURE to mention whether this pollutant is form a point source or a non-point source, or both


d) List and describe ALL the REAL or POTENTIAL NEGATIVE impacts on the environment or marine life by the pollutant 

ü            Note any physical or biological effects by the direct contact of the pollutant.

ü            Note any indirect physical or biological effects of the pollutant on the environment or life forms.

ü            How serious is the problem with type of ocean pollution?


              e)  List and briefly describe the ways in which the pollutant could be reduced or eliminated 

ü            Note at least two possible (realistic) suggestions.

ü            BE SURE to mention how this will make the ocean healthier.